Ruhi is a Photographer and Artist based in the West Midlands
As a teenager, her graphic designs were used by Coventry Council in a Christmas campaign, and she won several national prizes for poetry and short essays. Since then, she has worked as a freelancer, undertaking commissioned portraiture and serving as a production team member for large luxury weddings. In recent years, she has decided to venture back into the poetry scene and achieved some success, winning second prize at the Aberystwyth Poetry Festival in 2023. Another poem reached the top 7% of the Wasafiri Prize in 2023.
Presently, she focuses on a few long-term projects involving photography, poetry, and research and provides creative services and workshops. Ruhi still takes on a limited amount of commercial work, editorial, portraiture and weddings.
Portfolio page coming soon...
Copyright Ruhi 2024 | All rights reserved